Thursday, April 28, 2011

DirecTv might be entering the Netflix market

Netflix is continually leading the way in Entertainment technology. DirecTv might be offering a similar streaming service. According to “DirecTv considering Netflix-like online service” by Ben Fritz of, DirecTv sent out a survey asking consumers their opinions on an on demand online streaming service.

DirecTv plans to charge the service to current consumers’ bills. It would have movies “at least five years old. TV shows offered would include old series as well as previous seasons for current programs.” A spokesman contacted for the article did not confirm if DirecTv would be doing the service. But clearly their plans will be dependent on the survey and any other market research they do.

Dish network, which just purchased Blockbuster, Inc. might also consider using the Blockbuster brand and company to also jump into the on demand streaming market. It has also been reported that Amazon recently started theirs. The article also lists Wal-Mart and Best Buy as other potential newbies into the market.

It’s so amazing the way Netflix goes from being hated by the industry (I have a previous post on this, “Netflix vs. Cable/ Media Industry”) to now being followed. They have created a new market and since so many companies were hesitant to adapt, Netflix was able to excel in their market, encourage some consumers to leave behind cable, and lead the way to a new entertainment technology. The wave of competition will do little to hurt Netflix’s meteoric rise; Competition might just force them to come up with more services. 

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