Friday, December 17, 2010

Résumés: 10 Overused Words

LinkedIn told CNN and now CNN’s Mark Millan is telling you… these are the most used keywords on résumés:

1. Extensive experience
2. Innovative
3. Motivated
4. Results-oriented
5. Dynamic
6. Proven track record
7. Team player
8. Fast-paced
9. Problem solver
10. Entrepreneurial

If you believe these words rightfully express you and your résumé, take the time to describe the qualities that define those terms, or review your résumé to see if it expresses the terms without the need to mention it. For example, “extensive experience” is very unnecessary considering the résumé is your experience. On LinkedIn, you have the option of making your entire experience available (compared to physical résumés which are usually capped at 1 or 2 pages). Therefore, “extensive experience” is repetitive if the résumé speaks for itself or exaggerative if there is no actual extensive experience. 

One last important point: don’t pay to have your résumé done, especially if you cannot afford it. Résumé and career books are resourceful investments, but don’t pay someone to actually do your résumé. Taking the time to research résumé advice can lead to you learning valuable ways on making a great résumé. Also, you might be able to access free résumé tips from career professionals either working for your state or at colleges/universities within your area.

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